offen un' ehrlich: Cringe facts about GERMAN MORGZ explained by GERMANS | Video der Sendung vom 17.07.2019 13:57 Uhr (17.7.2019) mit Untertitel

Cringe facts about GERMAN MORGZ explained by GERMANS - Thumbnail

Cringe facts about GERMAN MORGZ explained by GERMANS

17.07.2019 ∙ offen un' ehrlich ∙ funk
offen un' ehrlich - Teaser

Dear Internet! We are sorry that German YouTuber Fatih Brate has stolen a lot of english video made by Morgz. A lot of you wanted to know who this guy axactly is. We collected a few facts about Fatih Brate our german Morgz and we want to apologize. Follow us on instagram: Robert: Kim: Fatih Brate has become famous in the last few days for stealing the video content of british YouTuber Morgz. Some of the english speaking community ask themself is Fatih Brate an exact copy of Morgz? Yes he is. He does not just copy the ideas or photoshopping his face on a Morgz’ video. He translates the title to german and is filming the exact same scence and most of the time Fatih Brate is also saying the exact same things Morgz has said in the original video. Sometimes this leads to weird situation. For example: Morgz is closing the bathroom door behind his mother, locking her in by holding the pawl. Fatih wants to do the same - but there is no pawl at his bathroom door. So he is just closing the door and acts like he was locking up a person. We are ashamed and deeply sorry. It’s time for an apology. Maybe you can show our video to English Youtubers who wanted to know who Fatih Brate really is: And feel free to show this video to Morgz as well. We are part of „funk“ - a young content network which is part of the public german broadcast: ▶️ YouTube: ▶️ funk Web-App: ▶️ Facebook: ▶️ Impressum:

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